Take a freestyle mandala art class in Queensburgh

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Feeling anxious? You're not alone. It turns out South Africa is the second most stressed-out nation in the world. When you're putting your career, family and friends first, it's easy to forget to prioritise yourself. Thankfully, there's a way to do it without breaking a sweat. You can unleash your creativity, recharge your spirit and get some peace of mind. All it takes is a few coloured pencils, paper and the mystical power of mandalas. 

Wait, what are mandalas?

They are a geometric design usually made up of nested squares, circles and other shapes. They can be perfectly symmetrical or free-flowing and asymmetrical. In Sanskrit, the name loosely translates to "container of essence". Mandalas are common in Hindu and Buddhist culture where they represent the universe. 

It's likely you've come across them before. Mandala shapes can be seen in sunflowers, rose windows, Navajo sand paintings and Native American dream catchers. Whatever the form, mandalas have had a profound effect on people all over the world.  

Benefits of mandalas

Jennifer Naidoo, owner of Jenny's Art and Crafts, was drawn to the energy of mandala dotting. 

"Mandala dotting has become a huge part of my life. It gives me the balance that many of us search for. It's challenging in its complexity but also humbling in its simplicity."

Her love of mandalas has spread to her students. Jasmaine Pillai had never dotted until she started Jennifer's class. The impact was felt immediately. 

"Being a student in university can be really intense and time consuming. Through mandala dotting, I found a way to de-stress and make some well-deserved 'me time' for myself."

Like Jennifer and Jasmaine, mandala art can be an enriching experience for you. Here are some of the rewarding aspects:

  • Relieve your stress: Bottling up anger and frustration? Don't. You can use mandalas to express yourself through colour and art. It really helps calm you down. 
  • Quit smoking: When you feel like reaching for a cigarette, colour a mandala instead. It can keep your hands occupied until the urge passes. 
  • Boost your brain: Working on a mandala helps you stay focused. It improves your problem-solving skills, perfects your motor skills and creates inner strength.
  • Spark your creativity: Get your mind out of the daily grind. By colouring, you'll discover new ideas and enhance your eye for design.
  • Reconnect with your inner child: If you're your biggest critic, you'll love the confidence you'll gain from completing your mandala. It's a simple, child-like pleasure that will break negative thought patterns. 

"Take that leap, and give it a try,'' says Jennifer. "You'll surprise yourself with the results. It's fun for the soul, it offers you the peace that the mind craves, and completes you with its wholesomeness."

How you can do mandala art

There are plenty of opportunities to give it a go. You can pick up a colouring book at your local supermarket. There are free websites like ScrapColoring, Michael O'Mara Books, and Color Mandala

You can also sign up for a freestyle mandala art class in Queensburgh. Jenny's Art and Crafts is holding this on 17 August 2019. At only R100, you'll get to create your design on a laser-cut heart. All materials are provided and the chilled group atmosphere promises a fun time. It's also good to know the event is a fundraiser. All proceeds will be donated to Westpark School which nurtures children with moderate and severe intellectual barriers to learning.

If you scroll through Jenny's Art and Crafts Facebook page, you'll sense the wonderful community spirit of Queensburgh. It's the perfect place for your family to live a vibrant and cultured life. Experience it firsthand with Seeff Queensburgh. Take a look at our property listings and get in touch today.

Author: Seeff

Submitted 12 Aug 19 / Views 1883