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To someone who is familiar with Afrikaans, the word 'Boknes' evokes the possibility that this little village is a place where little buck have made a nest, a den or even a colony. Not so. The word derives from the word 'Bocana' or 'Bokana' meaning 'father's river' in the language of the Khoikhoi and San Bushmen who were the original inhabitants of the Sunshine Coast. Evidence of their residence can be seen from middens scattered along the shoreline at various places. The village of Boknes lies at the mouth of the Boknes River in an area that was originally known as Jammerfontein.
This is a secluded spot, right off the beaten track on 1,57 square kilometres of coastal land within the municipality of Ndlambe. On the night of the census in 2011, it had 318 inhabitants of whom the majority (74%) spoke Afrikaans and 24% spoke English. As with other villages along the coast, its population doubles or even trebles over holiday seasons.
Boknes is within easy walking distance of Kwaaihoek, the place where Bartholomew Dias planted the first of his three stone crosses (Padrao) on his return journey to Portugal in 1488. This first one was erected on 12 March 1488 and commemorates Pope St Gregory I (590-604AD) ― Padrao de Sao Gregorio ―who is the patron saint of musicians.
Prof Axelson, from the University of the Witwatersrand, found remnants of the cross lying in the sea in 1938. The pieces were integrated and reconstructed, and sent to the University for safe-keeping.
Today a replica of the stone cross stands high up on a cliff over the place where the remnants were found. It is well worth walking the distance to this poignant spot where South Africa's first monument was found, and its first land claim was staked.
Most of the houses in Boknes stretch in a line along the coast or are nestled on the side of a large lagoon. The only shop is a small tearoom. The road that links the village to the R 72 is tarred and makes a pleasant drive through farmlands, mainly dairy. In all, the village lies 14 km from Kenton on Sea; 19 kms from Alexandria, 139 from Port Elizabeth and 71 from Grahamstown. Thus, it is within easy reach of the shops, hospitals, schools and tertiary institutions provided in Kenton on Sea, Port Alfred and Grahamstown. In addition, since it lies on the coast, it is within easy reach of the Woody Cape section of Addo Elephant Park and the many private game reserves in the area.
SEEFF has a stock of beautiful beachfront and seaside properties to offer in this little village. Some are luxurious and cater for a more decadent lifestyle of relaxation and entertainment. All the houses are new builds and range from wooden chalets to designer-built mansions. Most of them have sweeping views of the pristine white sands that stretch for miles in both directions along the Sunshine Coast. Since the crime rate in Boknes is low, largely due to a very effective neighbourhood watch system, properties, set on large pieces of land, are generally not surrounded by high walls and electric fences. The atmosphere is relaxed and congenial.
In addition, SEEFF offers a selection of vacant land waiting for you to build your dream seaside home.
As jy Afrikaans verstaan dan laat die naam 'Boknes' jou dink dat hierdie klein dorpie 'n plek is waar bokke nesgemaak het, maar dit is nie die geval nie. Die woord kom van 'Bocana' of 'Bokana' wat beteken 'rivier van my vader' in die taal van die Khoi en die San, die oorspronklike inwoners van die Sonskynkusgebied. Oorblysfsels van hul verblyf kan gevind word in die skulpashope wat plek plek langs die kuslyn voorkom. Die dorp Boknes lê aan die mond van die Boknesrivier in 'n omgewing wat oorspronklik bekend was as Jammerfontein.
Die weggesteekte, afgeleë dorpie beslaan 1,57 vierkante kilometer en lê binne die Munisipaliteit van Ndlambe. Die dorp het ongeveer 300 inwoners, waarvan die meerderheid (74%) Afrikaanssprekend is. Soos met ander dorpies langs die kus vermeerder die inwonertal tot tienvoudig gedurende die vakansieseisoen.
Boknes is binne maklike stapafstand van Kwaaihoek, die plek waar Bartholomeus Dias die eerste van drie kruise, of "Padraos", geplant het tydens sy terugreis na Portugal in 1488. Die eerste kruis is op 12 Maart 1488 opgerig ter nagedagtenis van Pous St Gregorius 1 (590604AD) - "Padrao de Sao Gregorio" - die beskermheilige van musici.
Prof Axelson, van die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand, het in 1938 oorblyfsels van die kruis gekry in die see. Die stukke is weer aanmekaargesit en herbou en aan die Universiteit gestuur vir bewaring. Vandag is daar 'n replika van die klipkruis wat hoog bo op 'n krans staan, op die plek waar die oorblyfsels gevind is. Dit is beslis die moeite werd om die afstand te stap tot by hierdie aangrypende plek waar Suid Afrika se eerste Westerse monument gevind is.
Meeste van die huise in Boknes lê al langs die kus of langs die rand van 'n strandmeer. Die enigste winkel is 'n klein teekamer. Die pad wat die dorp verbind met die R72 is geteer en sorg vir 'n aangename rit, meestal deur melkplase. Die dorp is geleë 14km vanaf Kenton on Sea, 19km vanaf Alexandria, 139 km vanaf Port Elizabeth en 71km vanaf Grahamstad. Winkels, hospitale, skole en tersiêre instellings in Kenton on Sea, Port Aflred en Grahamstad is dus maklik bekombaar. Dit lê ook naby Woody Cape, 'n gedeelte van Addo Olifantpark, en die vele privaat wildparke in die omgewing.
SEEFF het 'n voorraad van pragtige strandfront en ander eiendomme om aan te bied in Boknes.
Huise variëer van hout chalets tot luukse argitekontwerpte huise. Meeste bied wye uitsigte oor die ongerepte sandstrande, wat vir myle in albei rigtings strek. Aangesien die misdaadsyfer in Boknes baie laag is, veral as gevolg van 'n baie effektiewe buurtwag, word huise nie omring deur hoë mure en elektriese heinings nie. Daar heers 'n ontspanne en 'n gemoedelike atmosfeer.
SEEFF het ook 'n verskeidenheid leë standplase wat wag vir jou om jou droom vakansiehuis op te bou.
Properties in Boknesstrand
New20R860,0003 Bedroom Apartment For Sale in Pelham3 Beds1 Bath2 ParkingsNew29R1,250,0003 Bedroom Townhouse For Sale in Manors3 Beds2 Baths2 Parkings127m²New14R780,0001 Bedroom Sectional Title For Sale in Glen Austin AH1 Bed1 Bath1 Parking43m²New37R1,450,0004 Bedroom House For Sale in Oos Einde4 Beds2 Baths6 Parkings159m²New8R4,600 pm1 Bedroom Flat To Let in Vredenburg1 Bed1 Bath25m²New9R6,000 pm1 Bedroom Apartment To Let in Polokwane Central1 Bed1 Bath2 ParkingsNew19R13,500 pm1 Bedroom Garden Cottage To Let in Bergvliet1 Bed1 Bath1 ParkingNew8R15,000 pm2 Bedroom House To Let in Onrus13 Kranszicht2 Beds1 Bath2 ParkingsNew12R666,8451,134m² Vacant Land For Sale in SecundaNew18POA317m² Office For Sale in Ferndale317m²20R3,900,000180m² Medical Suite For Sale in Polokwane CentralCoveredOpen180m²30R11,000,0002,500m² Building For Sale in Newcastle Central2,500m²New9R16,750 pm80m² Office To Let in Polokwane Central80m²New25R30,100 pm180m² Office To Let in Polokwane CentralCovered180m²New7R4,025 pm13m² Office To Let in Sentra Park13m²New10R4,200 pm115m² Storage Unit To Let in Gouda115m²New5R2,625,0007.90Ha Vacant Land For Sale in Spitskop SH18R1,998,0004.30Ha Farm For Sale in Roodewal254m²Under offer19R1,450,00024.80Ha Farm For Sale in Badplaas32R2,280,0003.40Ha Farm For Sale in White River Rural6R50,000 pmFarm To Let in Vaalbank660m²7R1,250,000Business For Sale in Wavecrest25R16,200,000700m² Restaurant For Sale in Lagoon700m²Reduced15R4,276,000494m² Office For Sale in Walvis Bay Central494m²15R6,000,0000.10m² Service Station For Sale in Thornville0.10m²10R7,000 pm72m² Office To Let in Worcester Central72m²7R9,000 pm70m² Retail To Let in Eduan Park70m²8R12,600 pm154m² Retail To Let in Melville154m²8R7,000 pm49.09m² Business Centre To Let in Scottburgh Central49.09m²New21R27,000,0003,000m² Warehouse For Sale in Alton3,000m²6R850,000775m² Vacant Land For Sale in Magna Via Industrial8R440,000Industrial Yard For Sale in Cradock13 Olea Street15R7,900,000589m² Business For Sale in Somerset West Business ParkOpen589m²New7R18,975 pm136m² Warehouse To Let in Heavy Industrial136m²New8R21,505 pm166m² Warehouse To Let in Heavy Industrial166m²10R10,750 pm84m² Workshop To Let in George IndustrialCoveredOpen84m²11R18,000 pm240m² Warehouse To Let in George Industrial240m²New19POA1,835m² Service Station For Sale in Wellington North99 Main Road1,835m²51R49,000,0005,000m² Business For Sale in Mooi River152 Hidcote Road, Mooirivier5,000m²11R4,000,0003,002m² Vacant Land For Sale in Fountains Estate Business Park8R22,995,0001,753m² Retail For Sale in Wellington Central1,753m²16R15,500 pm90m² Business To Let in Bedfordview80A Van der Linde Road90m²6R16,500 pm330m² Workshop To Let in Wellington North330m²13R8,000 pm40m² Office To Let in Weltevreden Park40m²12R20,000 pm120m² Building To Let in Fisherhaven67 Medway120m²14From R860 Per Night2 Bedroom Self-Catering Apartment in Amanzimtoti2 Beds1 Bath1 Parking18From R2,460 Per Night2 Bedroom Self-Catering Apartment in Mossel Bay Central2 Beds1 Bath1 Parking21From R4,550 Per Night4 Bedroom Self-Catering House in Onrus8 Erica Street4 Beds4 Baths4 Parkings34From R1,950 Per Night2 Bedroom Self-Catering House in Onrus43 Mc Farlane Street2 Beds2 Baths2 ParkingsNo listings found
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Kenton on Sea & Port AlfredPhone: 046 624 4879Address: Cycad Centre Kenton road Kenton-on-Sea 6191