Pinehaven, Krugersdorp
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- Overview
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Don’t judge a book by its cover or in this case by its name because Pinehaven, or Pinehaven Township which is the proper name, is not at all what it seems. In fact, forget everything you know about the word ‘township’ because this suburb is the complete opposite. Pinehaven is a trendy, upmarket suburb consisting solely of building developments with a few plot and plan vacant stands here and there. This is the ideal place to settle down and raise a family. Safe with clean streets and a relaxing atmosphere, Pinehaven provides a community environment where kids can play outside and friendly neighbours greet each other.
The houses in Pinehaven vary from more cosy and compact to large with roomy interiors and manicured gardens with sparkling swimming pools. This means that there is something for everyone from larger families to smaller ones and couples who are upgrading to a townhouse from an apartment or investing in their first property together. Pinehaven is a huge security complex with perimeter walls and a designated entrance and exit point. From there roads branch off to individual secure complexes within the whole, each presenting its own building style, home types and price range. Residents of Pinehaven have added peace of mind due to the secure access control gates which control who comes and who goes from each of the smaller complexes.
With a designated access and exit point and, Pinehaven enjoys low levels of foot and vehicular traffic as the only people and cars entering or exiting will be residents and their guests. This further increases the security of the suburb as well as the peaceful and quiet atmosphere for you to come home to after a long day at work.
Pinehaven ideally situated close to all amenities and facilities. Some nearby shopping centres include a Pick n’ Pay shopping centre, Noodheuwel Shopping Centre and Key West Shopping Centre. Between them they cater to all your needs from high end fashion to basic groceries. Pinehaven is also situated close to various schools including Ruimsig Nursery School, Ridgevale Primary School and Krugersdorp High School, catering to all levels of education from toddlers to teens.
SEEFF offers a wide variety of properties in Pinehaven Township, Krugersdorp. Choose from larger freestanding properties to stylish and cosy townhouses, all within the safety and security of secure complexes with access control and a peaceful atmosphere, an ideal suburb to raise a family in.
Pinehaven is 'n pragtige, veilige woonbuurt in Krugersdorp. Dit bestaan uit kleiner sekuriteit komplekse binne een groot kompleks met 'n aangewese toegang en uitgang punt. Die veilige toegang beheer hekke vir elke kompleks binne Pinehaven wat dit 'n veilige om in te woon en dit geniet lae vlakke van voertuig-en voetgangerverkeer wat dit 'n stil en rustige voorstad maak. Pinehaven is geleë naby verskeie winkelsentrums wat voldoen aan al jou behoeftes vanaf mode en juweliersware tot kruideniersware en toiletware. Daar is ook verskeie skole naby wat onderwas vir kinders vanaf kleuters tot jong volwassenes aanbied wat van Pinehaven ‘n ideale voorstad maak vir familie lewe.
Properties in Pinehaven
14R1,590,0003 Bedroom Townhouse For Sale in Pinehaven49 SS MORGENSTER, 49 null null3 Beds2 Baths2 Parkings29R1,990,0003 Bedroom Townhouse For Sale in Pinehaven3 Beds2.5 Baths2 Parkings205m²Under offer46R3,490,0003 Bedroom House For Sale in Pinehaven89 Eagle Terrace3 Beds3.5 Baths2 Parkings319m²48R5,400,0006 Bedroom House For Sale in Pinehaven6 Beds6.5 Baths5 Parkings563.10m²54R28,000 pm3 Bedroom House To Let in Pinehaven3 Beds2 Baths2 ParkingsNo listings found
FeatherbrookePhone: 0828882621Address: Shop 8, Featherbrooke Business Park Eagle Rd Featherbrooke Estate Krugersdorp 1746