Scottburgh Central, Scottburgh
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Scottburgh is known to many as one of the most attractive and popular holiday destinations on the KwaZulu Natal South Coast, but to the average person little is known about the history of the town of Scottburgh and areas surrounding Scottburgh in which Seeff Mid South Coast have its base in Central Scottburgh in Scott Street.
Scottburgh is situated 58km South of Durban and is laid out on the banks of the Pambinyoni River and is the oldest town on the South Coast. In 1860 Scottburgh was surveyed as a township and named in honor of the Lt Governor, John Scott the then governor of Natal. Shaka, King of the Zulus and his entourage were among some of the early visitors to the now Scottburgh area . Stopping to rest and drink from the nearby spring, he was distracted by the myriad of birds at the mouth of the river beside which Scottburgh was later built. He wondered how on earth each bird would know to which nest it should return and named the river “Mpanbonyoni” which translates to “Confuser of Birds”.
At the turn of the century , this shallow river bay was home to a fleet of fishing vessels and was, for a time a promising harbor. This was cause for much excitement among the local sugar pioneers eager to transport their harvest to Durban. These pioneers were part of the contingent of Byrne Settlers who arrived in 1850 from Liverpool on board the Henrietta. These settlers included the Crookes brothers, Charles and Samuel who began to establish sugar farms and ultimately sugar mills-this was the start of an industry that is still one of the economic cornerstones of the South Coast. Scottburgh did eventually boast a port in 1874 with mooring buoys anchored outside the surf line and coasters chartered from ship to shore. Shipping companies emerged but folded a few years later due to transport rates dropping with the coming of the railway line to the South Coast that also passed Scottburgh.
The township of 'Scottburg'(no spelling error) was a grid of streets on a map in 1861 and and to this day the initial stands that was surveyed is found in Scottburgh Central. In 1923 the real development of Scottburgh commenced. This was the year when property owners formed a voluntary Township Association. This association were instrumental in approaching the Surveyor General, persuading him to relax the “conditions with regard to the building materials for the construction of houses in Scottburgh”. This was due to the scarcity of brickmaking clay in the Scottburgh area and in so doing heralded the era of lightly constructed houses, with a minimum cost of 250 pounds per house to be built within two years of anyone acquiring a stand in Scottburgh. Some of these houses are still standing in Scottburgh today.
Today Scottburgh is a thriving coastal resort. Drawn by the year-round tropical climate and the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Visitors flock to escape the cooler hinterland and enjoy the Scottburgh beach with its vast expanse of terraced lawns together with an inviting pool, Scottburgh super tube, Scottburgh mini golf and protected Scottburgh bathing area. Surfers can indulge their passion to find the perfect wave as the ocean at Scottburgh is blessed with swells. One can also tee off at the 18 hole Scottburgh golf course, whilst admiring the lovely sea views. Scottburgh Bowling Club offers hospitality and a good game to Scottburgh bowlers and visitors to Scottburgh , while tennis and squash players are welcomed at the Scottburgh Country Club.
Almost without exception, the warm South-flowing Agulhas current ensures an abundance of fish species of the coast of Scottburgh with well-known spots, the rocks at Scottburgh , the Pier at Rocky Bay or the stretches of Scottburgh beach and beaches surrounding Scottburgh.
There is much more to Scottburgh than only a 'Wimpy on the beach'. Scottburgh offers a variety of good places to eat. Scottburgh Holiday Accommodation ranges from camping and caravanning at the Scottburgh Caravan Park to Scottburgh Self-catering establishments, Scottburgh Bed and Breakfasts, Scottburgh Guesthouses and full Scottburgh hotel accommodation. There is a number of retirement villages in Scottburgh and very nicely situated apartments and houses that draws investors and buyers to purchase their slice of paradise in the form of property in Scottburgh Central, Freeland Park or Scottburgh South. Prices for property in Scottburgh range from R220 000.00 to R4 700 000.00. to suit any buyers needs and budget that wants to purchase property in Scottburgh. Scottburgh also offers quality education including a number of Scottburgh pre-primary schools, a bilingual Scottburgh Primary School and an English Language Scottburgh High School. For families that wants to make Scottburgh their hometown, Scottburgh is situated a mere 50 minutes drive away from the cosmopolitan city of Durban and the wider ethekwini metropolitan area such as Amanzimtoti and Kingsburgh.
Neighbouring towns to Scottburgh include Pennington Umkomaas, Clantsthal, Sezela, Bazley, Park Rynie, Dududu and Umzinto. Most of Scottburgh residents work for small local businesses or the state sector, while larger industries are located in the towns near Scottburgh in Umkomaas, Umzinto and Sezela.
A few kilometers inland from Scottburgh lies the sugarcane farming hamlet of Renishaw, most well known for its chapel.
Scottburgh is alom bekend as een van die mees aanloklikste en gewilde vakansiebestemmings aan die Natalse Suidkus, maar die gemiddelde persoon weet egter min van die geskiedenis van Scottburgh en die areas in die onmiddelike omgewing waar Seeff Mid South Coast sy basis het in Sentraal Scottburgh in Scottstraat.
Scottburgh is gelee 58km Suid van Durban en ontwikkel op die wal van die Pambinyonirivier en is die oudste dorp aan die Natalse Suidkus. Scottburgh is geproklameer as 'n dorpsgebied in 1860 en vernoem na Lt Goewerneur John Scott die destydse Goewerneur van Natal. Shaka, die koning van die Zoeloes en sy gevolg was ook van die eerste besoekers aan die nou genaamde Scottburgh omgewing. Shaka het verpoos by 'n nabygelee fontein om te rus, toe hy opgemerk het dat daar 'n hele kolonie voels hulle bevind naby die mond van die rivier waar Scottburgh toe later sy ontstaan gehad het. Hy het gewonder hoe op aarde elke voeltjie weet na watter nes om terug the keer en noem toe die rivier “Mpanbonyoni” wat direk vertaal kan word as “verwarrer van voels”.
Met die draai van die eeu was die smal riviermonding die tuiste van 'n vloot vissersskepe en was die monding 'n belowende hawe. Dit het rede gegee vir groot verwagtinge en opgewondenheid vir plaaslike suikerriet pioniers wat hulle oeste na Durban wou laat vervoer. Die pioniers was deel van die kontingensie Byrne Setlaars wat in 1850 gearriveer het vanaf Liverpool aan boord van die Henrietta. Die setlaars het ingesluit die Crookes Broers Charles en Samuel wat begin het om suikerplase en gevolglik suikermeulens in die omgewing te vestig. Dit het gelei tot die ontstaan van die suikerindustrie wat vandag nog een van die hoekstene van die ekonomie aan die Suidkus is. Scottburgh het as hawe gefunksioneer in 1874 deurdat daar landingsboeie agter die breekwater geplaas is en kleiner bote dan gependel het tussen die skepe en die land. Skeepsmaatskappye het in die tyd ontstaan, maar het egter nie staande kon bly met die koms van die spoorlyn wat aan die Natalse kus gebou is en 'n daling in vervoerkoste tot gevolg gehad het nie. Die spoorlyn is steeds 'n bekende landmerk in Scottburgh.
Die dorpsgebied, Scottburg(geen spelfout) was net 'n netwerk van strate op 'n kaart in 1861 en tot vandag word die oorspronklike erwe soos uitgele nog in Scottburgh Sentraal aangetref. In 1923 het die werklike ontwikkeling van Scottburgh begin. Dit was die jaar wat inwoners 'n dorpsraad gestig het uit eie geledere. Die raad het die leiding geneem om die Landmeter General te nader met die versoek om boubeperkings te verlig met verwysing na die “ tipe van materiaal wat gebruik kon word om huise op te rig” in Scottburgh.
Die versoek was as gevolg van 'n tekort aan klei in die Scottburgh omgewing wat gebruik kon word om bakstene mee te vervaardig om huise te bou. Dit het die era ingelyf van sogenaamde ligtekonstruksie huise. ' n Huis moes opgerig word ter waarde van minstens 250 Pond binne 2 jaar nadat 'n erf bekom is in Scottburgh. Van die huise word tot vandag nog in Scottburgh aangetref en een so 'n juweel is die huis wat van sink gebou is in Allenstraat.
Vandag is Scottburgh 'n suksesvolle groeiende kusoord. Besoekers word gelok vanaf die koeler binneland na die heeljaar aangename tropiese klimaat en die warm water van die Indiese Oseaan. Besoekers kom na Scottburgh om die grashellings van die Scottburgh strandfront te geniet asook die nuutopgeknapte swembad, die Scottburgh glybaan, Scottburgh minigholf en die beskermde Scottburgh swemstrand. Branderplankryers kan hul passie uitleef om die beste brander te vang aangesien Scottburgh se hoofstrand bekend is vir van die beste omstandighede vir branderplankry aan die Natalse kus. Geniet 'n potjie gholf op die Scottburgh-gholfbaan, maar wees net versigtig terwyl die pragtige uitsig van die Scottburgh gholfbaan waardeer word dat 'n trein nie raakgeslaan word in die proses nie, aangesien die treinspoor ook gekruis moet word op die Scottburgh gholfbaan. Die Scottburgh Rolbalklub verwelkom besoekers en plaaslike rolbalspelers en 'n goeie rolbalspel word gebied. Tennisspelers en muurbalspelers is weer welkom om van die fasilitiete gebruik te maak by die Scottburgh Country Club.
Byna sonder uitsondering voorsien die warm Suid-vloeiende Agulhas Stroom 'n verskeidenheid van visspesies aan die kus van Scottburgh en welbekende hengelpunte is die rotse by Scottburgh, die pier by Rocky Bay of die lang uitgestrekte Scottburghstrand en die omliggende strande van Scottburgh
Scottburgh is bied veel meer as net 'n Winpy op die strand. Scottburgh beskik oor 'n verskeidenheid van van goeie restuarante en plekkies om te eet en ontspan. Vakansieakkommodasie in Scottburgh wissel van kampeerplekke en karavaanstaanplekke by die Scottburgh Karavaanpark tot selfsorgeenhede en woonstelle asook bed en onbyt akkommodasie, gastehuise en 2 hotelle in Scottburgh. Scottburgh het ook 'n hele paar Aftreeoorde wat baie goed gelee is. Scottburgh bied die belegger wat graag 'n stukkie paradys wil bekom 'n keuse tussen woonstelle, meenthuise en huise wat in enige behoefte kan voldoen. Eiendomme is beskikbaar in Scottburgh Sentraal, Scottburgh Suid, Park Rynie, Freeland Park asook omliggende gebiede soos Clantsthal, Widenham, Umkomaas, Pennington, Bazley, Umzinto, en Sezela.
Pryse vir eiendom in Scottburgh wissel vanaf R220 000.00 tot R4.700 000.00 om in enige koper van eiendom in Scottburgh se begroting en behoeftes te kan voldoen. Scottburgh bied verder'n goeie standaard van skoolopleiding by pre-primere instellings asook 'n dubbelmedium Scottburgh Laerskool en die Engelsmeduim Scottburgh Hoerskool. Vir diegene wat in Scottburgh wil vestig is Scottburgh se ligging ideaal, slegs 50 minute se ry vanaf die kosmopolitiese stad van Durban en die groter eThekweni metropolitaanse gebied van Amanzimtoti en Kingsburgh.
Die meeste van Scottburgh se inwoners is werksaam in plaaslike kleinsake ondernemings of in die staatsektor, terwyl groter industriee naby Scottburgh gelee is in Umkomaas, Umzinto en Sezela. 'n Paar kilometer na die binneland vanaf Scottburgh word Renishaw aangetref wat bekend geraak het tydens die daarstelling en ontwikkeling van die suikerbedryf aan die Natalse kus.
Areas near Scottburgh Central, Scottburgh
Properties in Scottburgh Central
New22R1,900,0003 Bedroom Simplex For Sale in Scottburgh Central3 Beds2 Baths3 Parkings139m²New32R2,200,0003 Bedroom Freestanding For Sale in Scottburgh Central3 Beds2 Baths6 Parkings245m²New27R2,960,0003 Bedroom Freestanding For Sale in Scottburgh Central3 Beds4 Baths2 Parkings30R1,950,0003 Bedroom Apartment For Sale in Scottburgh Central3 Beds3.5 Baths3 Parkings134m²11R8,700 pm2 Bedroom Apartment To Let in Scottburgh Central2 Beds1 Bath1 Parking12R5,500 pm1 Bedroom Flat To Let in Scottburgh Central1 Bed1 Bath1 ParkingReduced13R5,700 pm1 Bedroom Flat To Let in Scottburgh Central1 Bed1 Bath1 Parking61m²Reduced26R12,000 pm3 Bedroom Sectional Title To Let in Scottburgh Central3 Beds3 Baths2 Parkings255m²15POA2 Bedroom Self-Catering Flat in Scottburgh Central2 Beds1 Bath1 Parking13From R850 Per Night3 Bedroom Self-Catering Apartment in Scottburgh Central3 Beds1 Bath1 Parking13From R850 Per Night3 Bedroom Self-Catering Apartment in Scottburgh Central3 Beds2 Baths2 Parkings10From R1,200 Per Night3 Bedroom Self-Catering Duplex in Scottburgh Central3 Beds2 Baths1 ParkingNo listings found
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