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Author: Seeff, 01 February 2017,

Make your show house a safe house.

When running an open house, there are as many risks to consider as there are benefits. Seeff highlights key safety tips to keep in mind when doing an open house.

While putting your house on show is one of the most effective marketing tools when it comes to selling, it is vital to ensure that your property is in tip top shape to attract maximum buyer interest.
You literally have seconds to capture the interest and attention of a buyer and people are very easily put off by untidy and unkempt gardens, entrances and homes. A lack of what they refer to as ‘curb appeal’ can easily cost you the sale of your house.
On the flip side, there are the issues of security on show days. Things like putting away valuables, etc. Seeff has been in the property industry for over five decades and our agents know a thing or two about selling houses. Here are a few tips:
Making a good first impression. You and your agent will discuss steps to make sure the maximum number of people sees your home, increasing its chances of selling quickly at the best price. Freshen up the outdoor spaces and paint and repair and replace broken items. Clean up the driveway and walkways. Clean, clean, clean. Consider hiring a professional house cleaning service to prepare for the show house and ensure the windows are washed and carpets cleaned.
Staging your home. Prepare your home to help buyers visualize themselves living in the home, as well as to entice a firm buying decision. Consider a few small touches such as fresh towels in the bathroom or even some flowers on the coffee table. Open up curtains and blinds and turn on lights to brighten up the home, even on a sunny day.
Removal of personal items. Buyers want to walk into a home and visualize it as their home. Seeing your family photographs and your children’s drawings during your show house makes this vision more difficult. Remove any items that are too personal such as notes and photographs on the fridge. This also helps with maintaining privacy.
Safety is also a top priority during a show house. Ensure that all valuable items are sufficiently locked away or removed, as well as any items of a personally significant nature such as a family heirloom. Your agent cannot be in every room with every buyer at once – so be smart about what you leave out.
Baked goods or treats for happy visitors. Yes, bake or buy cookies. Not all agents agree on the importance of refreshments or treats, but most think they're a great idea. Offering or serving treats and refreshments help in allowing visitors to stop and interact with the agent or seller.
Listen to feedback. Being able to hear what potential buyers think about the price or features of the home is an important way to help sell it. Your agent should be able to provide you with feedback from visitors and ways forward for the next step in the process.
Selling your home can be a very exciting process, but when a home hits the market, one of the first tasks for the seller is to put on a show house. Choose a real estate agent that is confidently able to assist you in best preparing your home to attract buyers, but also help you in keeping your home and valuables safe.