There are people who love living in apartments, and then there are those who hate the idea. It is a matter of personal choice. If we take the emotion out of the issue and look at both sides of the issue, what do we get? Debbie Mathieson of Seeff Umhlanga gives a round-up of the pros and cons of apartment living.
Positive aspects of apartment living are the following:
• Lock-up and go. You can literally lock your doors, go on your holiday, and be confident in the knowledge that your home is secure.
• Easy to maintain. No more painting of the exterior, no more gardening and no more pool maintenance. All of that is taken care of by the Body Corporate and/or Managing Agents. The cost is generally covered by your Body Corporate levy.
• Your space does not have to be limited. If finance allows, you can choose to live in a large apartment. For example, Seeff Umhlanga have apartments for sale that are up to 750 m² in size – so you have all the benefits without compromising on your comforts. However, a smaller apartment can be as much of an advantage to some: for example, when you are ‘downsizing’ you want to simplify your life, clean out those cupboards, and do without the 10-seater dining room table.
• Close to amenities. Most apartment buildings are within close proximity of shops and restaurants.
What are potential negative aspects?
• Nosey and interfering neighbours. You could also experience this when you live in a house, but the proximity involved in apartment living does exacerbate this issue.
• Rules and regulations. Some apartment blocks are worse than others in this regard, so choose carefully. You want a well-run building – but nothing can be more off-putting than stepping into an elevator with signs telling you what you can and cannot do.
• Privacy and noise. This is something you do have to compromise on in an apartment building. However, if you are respectful and considerate of your neighbours, then hopefully they will treat you similarly.
• No pets. Many apartment buildings do not allow pets. This is a big problem for pet owners, and would rule out apartment living as an option for them.
In the end, whether you choose to live in an apartment or a house, it is a lifestyle choice based on personal preferences.
Contact Seeff Umhlanga Debbie Mathieson on 083 321 7886, email

Author: Seeff, 20 June 2018, News