For both the landlord and the tenant, incoming and outgoing inspections of a rental property are not only necessary but once the Rental Housing Amendment Act 35 of 2014 is gazetted into law, these will be vital for a variety of reasons according to the Seeff Property Group.
Both inspections should be done timeously. The purpose of the income inspection is to set out and agree on the condition of the property prior to occupation by the tenant.
An incoming inspection checklist should be used, and the landlord (or his/her agent) and tenant must go through the entire property room by room as well as the garages, outbuildings, and garden as applicable.
Each area must be checked, and the condition carefully recorded including the state of fittings such as blinds or curtains as well as furnishings and equipment in the case of a furnished property. The checklist must then be signed by the landlord (or his/her agent) and the tenant and annexed to the lease agreement.
Rather than listing things that need to be repaired or areas to be painted, it is recommended that this is done prior to occupation and the inspection to avoid potential issues. Everything should be fully functional and in working condition and the property should be thoroughly cleaned, including steam cleaning of carpets, curtains, and blinds, prior to occupation. The garden and pool must also be cleaned if relevant. All garden rubble and refuse must be removed.
Once the property is then handed over, it is in the agreed condition.
The outgoing inspection must be done before the tenant vacates the property or on the day that the tenant moves out. The tenant should similarly start preparing the property for handover before the moving day so that there are no issues left undone.
This would include removing all nails, filling holes, and painting. Everything must be in full working order including the oven, pool pump, light switches, lights (with new working globes), geyser, garage doors, and two sets of working keys and remotes handed over.
The kitchen and bathroom must be thoroughly cleaned. All cupboards must be cleaned. The floors must be cleaned, and the carpets steam cleaned. If pets were kept, the property must be fumigated prior to vacating the property. All garden rubble and refuse must be removed from the property so that it is left in the same condition as it was upon occupation as agreed in the incoming inspection.
The landlord or his/her agent must do the outgoing inspection with the agent and it must be signed by both parties. Failing this, the tenant runs the risk of the costs of repairs being deducted from their deposit.
The landlord is required to place the tenant’s deposit in an interest-bearing account and repay the deposit with interest within seven days of the lease expiring. The landlord may however deduct the reasonable costs of repairs to restore the property, hence the vital importance of incoming and outgoing inspections.

Author: Gina Meintjes, 21 May 2021, Rentals