
Stanley Robertson
Principal Property Practitioner
Seeff Bloemfontein
PPRA Registered | FFC
Beautiful farm for sale / Pragtige Plaas te koop
Web Ref.
Consists of:
80ha of arable land, of which 30ha are planted with smutsfinger, 10ha are mixed, and the rest is suitable for planting.
Approximately 100ha of game camps, divided into two camps with 2.1-2.4m fencing.
Remaining grazing land.
3 earth dams.
3 cement dams.
4-bedroom house.
Two worker houses, one newly built.
Storage facilities.
Well-designed cattle pens, covered and facilitating ease of handling.
Shelter and pen for feeding.
Solar pumps and wind pumps.
Eskom 3-phase electricity.
Ready to farm, just move in.
Optional or for an ongoing business:
Approximately 40 springboks.
40 lechwes.
And 8 rams.
Can also accommodate cattle herds.
Prices of game and cattle negotiable.
The farm is well-maintained and ready for enjoyment.
Bestaan uit:
80ha landbougrond, waarvan 30ha beplant is met smutsfinger, 10ha gemeng is en die res geskik is vir plant.
Ongeveer 100ha wildskampe, verdeel in twee kampe met 2.1-2.4m heinings.
Oorblywende weiding.
3 gronddamme.
3 sementdamme.
Twee werkershuise, een nuut gebou.
Goed ontwerpte beeskrale, oortrek en fasiliteer maklike hantering.
Onderdak en krale vir voeding.
Sonpompe en windpompe.
Eskom 3-fase elektrisiteit.
Klaar om te boer, trek net in.
Opsioneel of vir 'n lopende besigheid:
Ongeveer 40 springbokke.
40 lechwes.
En 8 ramme.
Kan ook beeskuddes akkommodeer.
Pryse van wild en beeste onderhandelbaar.
Die plaas is goed versorg en gereed vir genot.
80ha of arable land, of which 30ha are planted with smutsfinger, 10ha are mixed, and the rest is suitable for planting.
Approximately 100ha of game camps, divided into two camps with 2.1-2.4m fencing.
Remaining grazing land.
3 earth dams.
3 cement dams.
4-bedroom house.
Two worker houses, one newly built.
Storage facilities.
Well-designed cattle pens, covered and facilitating ease of handling.
Shelter and pen for feeding.
Solar pumps and wind pumps.
Eskom 3-phase electricity.
Ready to farm, just move in.
Optional or for an ongoing business:
Approximately 40 springboks.
40 lechwes.
And 8 rams.
Can also accommodate cattle herds.
Prices of game and cattle negotiable.
The farm is well-maintained and ready for enjoyment.
Bestaan uit:
80ha landbougrond, waarvan 30ha beplant is met smutsfinger, 10ha gemeng is en die res geskik is vir plant.
Ongeveer 100ha wildskampe, verdeel in twee kampe met 2.1-2.4m heinings.
Oorblywende weiding.
3 gronddamme.
3 sementdamme.
Twee werkershuise, een nuut gebou.
Goed ontwerpte beeskrale, oortrek en fasiliteer maklike hantering.
Onderdak en krale vir voeding.
Sonpompe en windpompe.
Eskom 3-fase elektrisiteit.
Klaar om te boer, trek net in.
Opsioneel of vir 'n lopende besigheid:
Ongeveer 40 springbokke.
40 lechwes.
En 8 ramme.
Kan ook beeskuddes akkommodeer.
Pryse van wild en beeste onderhandelbaar.
Die plaas is goed versorg en gereed vir genot.
Verkeerdevlei, Brandfort
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Monthly Repayment